WARNING: The following information contains sensitive information that the 'big pharma' and detergent companies don't want you to know. Don't do another load of laundry until you read every word on this page. It will transform your health, and save you money.

Discover The Secret To Never Pay For Detergent Again, Have Softer, Cleaner Clothes, Improve Your Health...

...And Even Save Money By Reducing Your Energy Bill

⚠ Do NOT Do Another Load Of Laundry Until You Read This ⚠

Dear friend looking for better health, and a better planet...

Do you use laundry detergent?

Did you know that laundry detergents are not legally required to list their ingredients on the labels?

While these chemicals may not be on the label, recent studies show many of them to be proven cancer-causing toxins. They could build up in your skin, and may cause serious health problems like asthma, allergies, and even cause cancer.
PLEASE STOP: Do not do another load of laundry until you read this letter. If you take 4 minutes to read this crucial information, it could change your life, potentially take your health to a new level, and save you a great deal of money that most people simply flush down the toilet.
Just a few years ago we began to get seriously suspicious of laundry detergents, and began to do our own research. We're so glad that we did, because the information we're about to share with you made our lives so much easier, and has saved our family over $900 over those 2 years. 

We're also much, much healthier now... you too can do the same and join the magnetic laundry revolution.

Before I tell you how you can join the "magnetic laundry" revolution, and never buy laundry detergent again (even if you buy the 'natural' stuff now), let's start with some cold hard facts: 
2008 Shocking Report Reveals:
BANNED Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found In Laundry Detergent!
On July 24th, 2008, the University of Washington did a study on leading detergents.

What they found is that 99% of laundry detergents released cancer causing chemicals that are legally hazardous and toxic by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). [2]

Most of them were NOT on the label. That's the scary part.

Many detergent companies use top-secret formulas that contain the very same chemicals listed as hazardous. They call it something else, yet it's still the same toxic stuff.
  • It's BANNED in Canada, and in ALL of Europe! Yet the United States continues its use.
  • ​It's is a major ingredient in pesticides. It's used to KILL insects.
  • ​It is extremely harmful to your body because it imitates the hormone 'estrogen'. [3]
  • ​When these artificial hormone like chemicals get into your blood stream through your skin, they start to cause serious damage to your body.
  • ​The Journal of Pesticide Reform shows strong evidence that these chemicals cause severe damage to heart and muscle function. [4]
Before we go on any further, let's answer a question that we get all the time: 
How These Chemicals May Damage Your Health And Your Body 
Most people ask: "I've been using laundry detergent all my life, what's the big deal?"

Just like lead poisoning, the effects of these chemicals usually are not instant, they gradually eat away at your health over time, because they are absorbed through your skin.

Your skin is like a sponge. The chemicals in laundry detergent end up on your clothes, they are never rinsed completely. As you wear them on your body, the chemicals soak into your skin.

Have you ever had dry, itchy, or irritable skin in area where you wear clothes? Do you ever get headaches when cleaning? 
These may the initial 'mild' symptoms of these toxins in your body. Over time this toxic gunk can build up in your body and may begin to wreak havoc on your immune system and over-all health.

We're not saying these chemicals are the main cause of disease, however, companies shouldn't have the right to put toxic chemicals into something you put on your skin, and on your children, without you knowing about it.

Over the past 30 years skin-cancer rates have increased dramatically, and the cancer rate in America is now 1 in 3. Yes - one in three people get cancer. It used to be just 1 in 5 not long ago! [5]

We personally know over a dozen people who have cancer, have died of cancer, or have had cancer, .including my grandfather who passed away last year. How many do you know?

While there's no magic pill to cure the serious illnesses rampant today, removing these toxic chemicals, from your life is definitely a step in the right direction, because...
Quite Simply: These Chemicals Are Proven and Known Cancer-Causing Toxins!
One of the main ingredients in all laundry detergents is a chemical called formaldehyde.

What's so bad about formaldehyde? 
  • The EPA reports that formaldehyde causes cancer in animals and may do so in humans.
  • ​Formaldehyde is the same chemical used to preserve dead bodies for dissection!
  • ​In addition to severe allergic reactions, this gas can also irritate your breathing and cause nausea. [6]
And there's a problem with this chemical. It smells really bad.

To solve this problem, companies use other 'nice smelling' chemicals that cover up this toxic smell.

Whenever you see the word 'Fragrance' on the list of ingredients in a product, it looks quite innocent, however it's by far one of the most toxic chemicals in existence. They use it to cover up the smell.

When shopping for laundry detergent, what is the first thing you look for?

After the price, you want to know what it smells like. You may think you are choosing between spring blossoms and mountain rain, but you might actually be sniffing formaldehyde and inhaling these 'nice smelling' chemicals...

These 'nice smelling' chemicals are called 'fragrance' or 'phthalates', they build up in your skin, and your body...and...
According To The U.S Center for Disease Control: These Chemicals Are Linked To Liver Cancer.
It's a known fact that these chemicals pollute the air and water while increasing your risk of developing liver cancer. In 2005, the U.S. Center for Disease Control wrote a report which punched out this very fact! [7]

6 types of these chemicals are now illegal - however, many of them are still used in chemical detergents.

The government isn't the only group that has announced this chemical harmful...

The Environmental Working Group Organization says that these chemicals cause problems in the testicles of exposed male animals, while Women’s Voices for the Earth reports that these toxins may harm male children and reduce sperm count.

In the book Living Green, author Greg Horn talks about the harm caused by these chemicals, such as...
  • Damage to your sex & reproductive system 
  • ​Severely reduced sperm counts in men.
  • ​Abnormal breast development in infant girls. [8]
All this is because these chemicals mess with your hormones, which keep your body balanced and working properly.

While this stuff may smell like flowery perfumes escaping your wash cycle they may trigger asthma in your children and cause the development of new allergies.

If cleaning leaves you with a headache or cranky mood, don’t think that it’s just you, your body may be simply responding to these chemical neuro-toxins.

If you are wondering why companies use such harmful chemicals, the answer is this: money

Natural fragrances, such as essential oils, are expensive. This stuff is cheap to make, and companies make millions selling by the truckloads every day.
What You Can Do Right Now To Save Your Health, Your Money And Never Pay For Detergent Again
This is exactly what our little-known discovery does. Ever since we've found it, for the past several years our families have never used or bought chemical laundry detergent, and our clothes are cleaner, brighter and softer than before...

If you've read this far and you're like us, we were fed up.

As parents, we didn't want to put these chemicals on my skin or on my children. We wanted to find a better way. We did... and we're about to share it with you.

Can you imagine this in your life? You never have to buy chemical detergent to wash your clothes again... All you do is fill up your washer machine with hot water, turn it on, and like magic you come back to amazing clean clothes that feel softer than ever and smell great?

And all this without using toxic chemicals, without using fabric softener, and without spending any money what so ever.
"What?! No laundry detergent! How can this possibly clean my clothes!? I don't believe you."
We completely understand! That's exactly how we felt before we started using them a few years ago, like you, we were "brainwashed" into thinking: to clean your clothes = you must use laundry detergent. 

Right? WRONG. 

We can happily say that we haven't bought laundry detergent since August of 09'. Crazy as it sounds, it's true!

Here's the real science behind how it works: So, detergent companies would like to have you believe that it's the chemicals in water that clean your laundry. However, *this is actually not true*. 

We normally don't think about it... it's actually WATER that cleans your clothes, water is the most powerful element on earth. What did people clean with before soap even existed? Water.

Detergent alone won't clean your clothes.... you need to add water.

Because what detergents and soap does is it only changes the surface tension of the water and helps the water molecules become more effective and spaced out and slippery to pull the dirt and grime off dirty clothes. This is why soap and detergent has that "slippery/oily" feel. 

This process is called chemical saponification. 

The side-effects are, of course, all the toxic chemicals used in the process.

Now what our revolutionary discovery does is the exact same thing, except by using magnetism. The water molecule is already a highly magnetic molecule with a positive and negative charge. When the water rotates with the specially designed magnets, the surface tension of the water changes, and the water starts cleaning more effectively, just like with detergent. Basic science, don't you just love it!

You get the cleaning power of detergent, without detergent! And all you do is put the two magnetic balls into your washer machine (on opposite sides of each other) and you're done, you can start washing detergent free!

That's it, so simple... and it WORKS!
"We have done 5 loads of laundry with the Magnetic Laundry System. I wasn't skeptical, but my husband sure was! My clothes are washed on cold, due to the work I do (office). My husband is a Welder/Machinist/Industrial Mechanic- can we say GRIME?! We wash his on warm or hot, depending on what is on them. His clothing is always washed separately and he was amazed they came out clean!"
*Results may not by typical nor expected for every person.
Lori Christie
A Verified Customer

Introducing The Magnetic Laundry System

A Revolutionary, Double Patented-Technology That Allows You To Wash Your Clothes Without Using A Single Drop Of Toxic Chemical Detergent
  • Never Pay For Detergent Again
    Saves you money from buying chemical laundry detergents for your entire life.
  • Cleans As Good As Detergent & Lasts A Life-Time!
    Cleans just as well as the laundry detergents and it lasts a LIFETIME with a 50 year manufacturer’s warranty. 
  • No More Toxic Chemicals, Ever Again
    Spare yourself and your family from inhaling toxic scents by protecting your body from contact with the chemicals lurking in your clothes
  • Saves Money On Your Hydro Bills
    Pay LESS on your hydro bills by skipping the rinse cycle and conserve water. 
  • Saves Our Planet From Pollution
    Prevent more toxic spills into the rivers that mess up with the hormones of aquatic lives
Save Thousands Of Dollars In The Years To Come
To give you a quick perspective, here's a graph to show you exactly how much money you could be saving with our Magnetic Laundry System in the coming years.
Over 38,799 Happy Customers!
See What Some Of Our Customers Have To Say...
Laura London
A Verified Customer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ It's Time To Ditch The Toxic Laundry Detergent

"I have been using this Magnetic Laundry System for over 2 years now and love it. Helping the environment and keeping my family away from harmful laundry detergents. What are laundry magnets? To put it simply, they are ridiculously strong magnets that go in your washing machine, which restructure water molecules, making water move through your fabrics easier and take dirt with it. No detergent needed. Plus it holds 2 patent awards."
Laura London
A Verified Customer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ They REALLY Work! They get out 2 day old pee smell and dirt! AMAZING!

"All I can say is WOW! The very first load I tested included a pair of shorts my 4 year old had pee'd in 2 days prior! Needless to say, they STUNK! I wasn't sure if these would do the trick or not but they couldn't do any worse than detergent which can't seem to get the smell of pee out of our things. Within 60seconds of washing the water was cloudy and dirty looking! It was amazing to see! I stood and watch it the whole time and when the water drained I skipped the rinse cycle and went straight to spin (just like the instructions said to do). Not only did the smell of pee come out there wasn't even a faint scent! They smelled fresh and CLEAN! Normally our cloths smell clean but there is always the lingering smell of pee or sweat. Not with these magnets! I am STILL amazed at the amount of dirt these magnets pull out of our clothes!

I follow the directions: place clothes in the washer lovely (making sure not to overload it), place magnets on opposite sides of the washer (I make sure they are attracted to one another because I figure it will pull out more gunk that way), then start the water. I set a timer so the washer won't go to the rinse cycle (it's not necessary..there is nothing to rinse away) and skip right to the spin! Not only does it take less time to wash clothes but I am using half the amount of water and NO CHEMICALS!

My husband is a triathlete and has VERY stinky, sweaty clothes. These get out every last bit of smell unlike detergent. I've made my own detergent and have used store bought multiple brands and kinds. None of them could get all the stink out...these magnets DO! Highly recommend!"
Laura London
A Verified Customer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ These darn things work just like they claim and even if I was not going ...

"I didn't tell anybody I had made this purchase. The whole idea seemed silly. But, my wife's skin has allergic reactions to clothes detergents and so we have been paying a lot of attention to what is actually in those products. I figured the price point was low enough that I might as will try magnets to clean clothes.

I took one of my t-shirts and rubbed in a bunch of mud before putting it in with the first load using these magnets. It came out perfectly clean and the whole large load of laundry was perfectly clean. The clothes had no smell what so ever which was almost strange at first but really, it was the smell of fresh water and nothing else.

The second load was sheets and towels. A big bulky load of wash. The outcome was that everything was simply clean.

Frankly, I am so tired of Amazon asking for reviews that I never do them anymore. But, these darn things work just like they claim and even if I was not going to be saving a lot of money, I now really like that idea of clean clothes that smell like nothing at all except fresh water. This product deserved this review."
The 3-Second Easy Setup
Just put the two blue units into the washer machine before washing. They will magnetically stick right to the metal drum inside your machine, and you can leave them there and never think about them again.

When you come to do your laundry, simply put your dirty laundry in, press "start", and...

That's it! Come back to your clean clothes 20 minutes later. It's that simple.

No more lugging heavy detergent containers from the store and fumbling with toxic gunk at every wash! 
What To Do Now...
Detergent companies depend on you to buy their toxic chemicals over and over again for the rest of your life. Just imagine how many gallons of this stuff you've bought over the years, how much money you've spent and how much of it has ended up in your skin?

Now imagine NEVER having to pay for detergent again... Never having to add that toxic sludge into your clothes which you wear on your body.

If you've read this far, you can be one of the few lucky people to jump off this crazy train today. End the madness, and start saving money and your health right now.

For us and our family, and countless others, the Magnetic Laundry System has been a life-saver and a breath of fresh air in this crazy world.

It's not just about the money saved, most of all it's about the health benefits. If you suffer from any type of skin conditions, you'll quickly notice viable and measurable differences in how you feel after using the system. You can sleep at night knowing your family is one step towards living in harmony with nature instead of chained to toxic death-dealing chemicals.

And all this for just $99 $69.95 - Yes, this system costs less than seventy bucks! We've spent over $3,000 on detergents in the past 15 years, this paid for itself in less than 6 months. You get all these savings, the health benefits, for less than the price of a good dinner for two at a decent restaurant. 
Iron-Clad 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
We stand by our product and guarantee its efficacy 100%. That’s why with your order today, we're confident to offer you our no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Try our Magnetic Laundry System for a full 60 days. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, just send it back to us to get a quick and friendly refund. No fuss. No hard feelings. No questions asked.

Independently Lab-Tested To Clean Just As Great As Detergent
The Magnetic Laundry System consists of an independent lab testing report from one of the largest testing companies in the world, Shuster Laboratories (Changed name to UL Consumer Products)

It verifies unequivocally that the Magnetic Laundry System does indeed clean garments and do not damage colors or the tensile strength of your fabrics. 

The technology is also protected and verified by two patents.

If you want to view a copy of our lab testing report, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Magnetic Laundry System work on front loading washers?
Yes. It works on front and top loading washers and it is completely safe in both. You can leave it there practically forever. We just recommend that if you have a front loader, you place the Magnetic Laundry System units in the pockets of a pair of pants or in a pair of thick socks before running the cycle (preferably pants pockets). This eliminates any noise the force of the horizontal axis may create.
Does the Magnetic Laundry System ever have to be replaced? How long do they last?
No. That’s the beauty of the Magnetic Laundry System. You only have to get it once and it lasts almost a life-time. The manufacturer’s warranty is 50 years. Compared with normal detergent, this saves you thousands of dollars over the time to come.
My washing machine has a plastic drum. Do the Magnetic Laundry System have to stick to the inside of the water drum to work properly?
The Magnetic Laundry System absolutely do not have to stick to the water drum to work properly. There are a variety of washing machines from front loaders to top loaders, and interior washing drums ranging across plastic, iron and stainless steel. The material the water drum is made of makes no difference. The Magnetic Laundry System works in all of them. The units may end up “sticking” to each other in the washing process. This is perfectly normal and does not diminish their effectiveness because they are still emitting the same level of magnetic force whether they are attracted together or not. The laundry units just need to be submerged and/or in close proximity to the water for maximum effectiveness.
I have a newer front loading washing machine that has electronics on it. Can I use the Magnetic Laundry System with my machine?
Absolutely. We just recommend that if you have a front loader, you place the Magnetic Laundry System units in the pockets of a pair of pants or in a pair of thick socks before running the cycle (preferably pants pockets). This eliminates any noise the force of the horizontal axis may create. Although magnetic force should not be in direct contact with electronics, the Magnetic Laundry System is used in the water drum and is far enough away to have zero impact on the electronic controls if used properly. Just do not rest them on the electronic control panel. Also, the two Magnetic Laundry System units combined weigh just a fraction of one pair of wet jeans (12 ounces compared to 80 ounces respectively). So you don’t need to be concerned with any significant added weight.
Does the Magnetic Laundry System kill bacteria, etc. on my clothes?
The Magnetic Laundry System is a laundry detergent alternative only. Laundry detergent is not used to kill microorganisms, and neither is the Magnetic Laundry System, but the cleaning process itself washes away most bacteria. Moreover, hot water kills most microorganisms in the water, and a little bleach will do the same (although bleach works best at high temperature).

An extremely effective natural alternative is straight 5 percent solution of vinegar—such as the ones you can buy in the supermarket. Reports have proven that it kills 99% of bacteria, 82% of mold, and 80% of germs.
Can I use bleach and other chemicals with the Magnetic Laundry System if I want to?
Yes. Honestly, nothing whitens like chlorine bleach, but there are potentially toxicity issues for the environment and health. Bleach is very harsh and damaging to your clothes as well. That said, if you don’t mind the trade-offs, you can still use diluted bleach with Magnetic Laundry System if you choose. A great alternative to chlorine bleach is oxygen bleach (like Oxiclean® and similar products) or diluted hydrogen peroxide. Borax is also an excellent natural laundry booster. Some Magnetic Laundry System owners add baking soda or white vinegar to their loads. The 3% hydrogen peroxide plus vinegar solution detailed above may be the most effective alternative method for this process.

We also carry an all – natural stain remover, called Enzymatic Stain Remover Concentrate®. It is made of enzymes – the proteins used to digest food in your stomach. Using the same concept, Enzymatic Stain Remover Concentrate® works by breaking down tough stain.
What about smell? Will my clothes have a nice, perfumey scent with the Magnetic Laundry System?
There is no scent added when using the Magnetic Laundry System. The truth is that clean clothes smell like nothing. They don’t smell like perfume. And most people significantly overkill with these scents.

People are conditioned to add detergents, spot removers and bleach with perfumes in their washing machine, then they use fabric softeners and/or dryer sheets in the dryer which add even more perfumes. Then they wash their bodies with scented soaps and shampoos, and towel off with their scented towel (after they slept all night in perfumed sheets and pillowcases). Then after all of that, they apply perfumed deodorant and spray on their favourite cologne. This is simply too many chemicals on the body, and sometimes the body may rebel with rashes, respiratory issues or illness.

If you absolutely cannot live without scent, try using an all-natural alternative – essential oil! There is simply no reason to pile all of the other scented chemicals on your clothes. And you need to know that most of these may be unhealthy for your skin and respiratory system, so the less you use, the better off you probably are–especially if you are chemically sensitive. Some of those red eyes, rashes and runny noses are not because of allergies, but due to the perfume and petrochemicals left behind in your clothes.
What temperature should the water be? Can I use hot, warm and cold water at my own discretion?
Generally speaking, hot water is always the best temperature for the cleanest clothes whether you are using the Magnetic Laundry System or detergent. Think about when you are washing dishes in the sink. The cold water cleans, but the hot water removes the food more quickly and efficiently with less water. It is the same in your washing machine.

However, different garments and materials may require that you use lower temperatures, and you may continue to do so. We have had many customers report excellent results using just cold water with the Magnetic Laundry System. For the reason outlined above, we still like to recommend hot water to users–but you ultimately have the freedom to test using the product in a variety of ways, and choose whatever option works best for your personal situation.

Using cold water is obviously better for the environment (less energy used) but consider that the amazing health and environmental benefits of preventing petrochemical detergents from getting dumped into the fresh water supply and onto our skin is of far greater significance. Still, the Magnetic Laundry System plus cold water leaves (incredibly) almost no carbon footprint.
What's the science behind this? Can you explain how this actually cleans my laundry without chemicals?
Detergent companies would like you to believe that it’s chemicals that clean your laundry. However, this is actually not true. We normally don’t think about it… it’s actually WATER that cleans your clothes. Water is the most powerful element on earth. What did people clean with before soap even existed? Water.

Detergent alone doesn’t clean your clothes…. you need to add water.

Because what detergent and soap does is it only changes the surface tension of the water and helps the water molecules become more effective and spaced out and slippery to pull the dirt and grime off dirty clothes. This is why soap and detergent has that “slippery/oily” feel. This process is called chemical saponification. The side-effects are, of course, all the toxic chemicals used in the process.

What the Magnetic Laundry System does is the exact same thing, except by using magnetism. The water molecule is already a highly magnetic molecule with a positive and negative charge. When the water rotates with the specially designed magnets, the surface tension of the water tension changes, and the water starts cleaning more effectively, just like with detergent.
Act FAST - Never Pay For Detergent Again!
Remember: Your order comes with a full 60-day money-back guarantee! So, you can try our Magnetic Laundry System completely risk-free!
More Real Customer Reviews

Over 1,000's Of Amazing Reviews From Our Customers

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Pleasantly surprised.

"Works as expected for us. I can't vouch for families with children or people with heavy duty jobs but has worked well for a retired couple. LoL My partner is very picky and has no idea that his clothes for the past month have been laundered with just water."

~Lisa Iqbal, Verified Customer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Absolutely amazing I would recommend this product to everyone

"Ok so I was extremely skeptical about this after asking a question on a homesteading page about how to make your own laundry detergent and an amazing lady told me about this magnetic force system that she discovered
she told me that you can save money on water because since you don’t use rinse cycle because you aren’t using detergent or laundry soap so therefore you don’t have to rinse anything so you can bypass the rinse cycle not only does it save you money in the shit you are coating and so called washing your clothes in but it’s also better for the environment because you aren’t putting the chemicals into your septic system or for some into your land
So I received mine almost one week ago and the first load I could literally see a difference in the brightness and feel of my towels and clothes they looked and felt brand new. I know so many people have seen these videos of clothes stripping as they call it guess what I done this on a load I hadn’t washed with this magnetic force system and one load where I hadn’t used on it although I didn’t take pictures like an idiot but let me tell you I could see the difference the load I washed with this new system was a little cloudy but not like the other load that turned brown and completely nasty but just one wash with this magnetic force system and I am in love I will never again go back to using detergents and did I mention it has a lifetime warranty and is patented ? I highly recommend this product to everybody"

~Melindap, Verified Customer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  I'm a believer...you have to try this...and save yourself a ton of $$$

"Cleans laundry better than any detergent, and without all the nasty, toxic chemical residues being absorbed through your skin, or leaching into groundwater.

I was amazed that the MLS Magnetic Laundry System cleaned my husband's filthy work jeans so well without having to use detergent, or stain remover and scrubbing! Another amazing result of the effectiveness of MLS, which my convinced me to get rid of my regular laundry regime, is that my husband and I used three heavy duty bath towels to secure a crock pot in a box, filled with meatballs and tomato sauce, which spilled on the way to our family gathering. The towels were heavily stained, and went in the washing machine ASAP. Washed three times with many combinations of regular store bought laundry products, without removing stains. Well after hubbie's jeans came clean, thought I would try on towels...worked like a charm...absolutely no evidence of tomato sauce stains!!! I have been using MLS for about since February 2016, and still get the same results. Wish I had photos to show you the proof! As stated in product description, I occasionally use baking soda for whites, and organic essential oil for pleasant smell, though not necessary, clothes coming out of dryers like fresh line dried without the stiffness. Also use Life Miracle Eco Friendly Dryer Balls Fabric Softener, these work great...no more static!"

~Freida Frimple., Verified Customer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  I couldn't believe it, but it's true!

"Yup, we are really washing our laundry without soap! Everyone in the house (hubby and 2 teenagers) thought I was crazy when I told them we were going to start washing our clothes without soap using magnets. You would've laughed if you saw my husbands' face. Here we are, a couple weeks in and everything is washing just fine. Everything is coming out clean and smelling fresh. We haven't had to tackle any tough stains yet, but if we do, we also bought the enzyme cleaner as well.

We have 5 kids but only 2 are still at home. Just a few years ago, we were doing multiple loads of laundry a day! Seven people in one household will produce a mountain of dirty clothes! I wish I would have had this system back then. We always used Ecco brand laundry soap because we seem to be allergic to a lot of additives in laundry soap. Now that there are only 4 of us left, we only do about 1 load a day. I'm glad I don't have to buy laundry soap any more. The price you pay for this laundry system will pay for itself in just a couple months. Very happy customer!"

~Cristy G., Verified Customer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  But I did a lot of research on them and boy am I ever glad I did

"I bought the MLS laundry system just to try them out. I suffer from a lot allergies and I thought maybe the MLS laundry system will help me. Then I saw the price, and I almost changed my mind. But I did a lot of research on them and boy am I ever glad I did!! Oh my goodness they are so awesome! I love them! They do exactly what it say's it will do and so much more! There’s nothing that can beat these in cleaning all of our clothes!. I never have to buy laundry detergent EVER AGAIN!!!! I love them so much that I bought our daughter and son in-law them for to wash their clothes. You may think the price is high, BUT if you think about how much you spend on laundry detergent in 6 months, or a year. These will SAVE you TONS of money! I wish I could give these 10 stars! I LOVE THEM!!!!"

~Linda Hartley, Verified Customer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  Better than expected

"I'm working on detoxing now that breast cancer is a part of my life and the idea of getting rid of laundry soap was tantalizing. I also have a daughter who has sensitive skin so I'm always on the look out for anything that might help her as well. I've used this product now for 2 weeks, at least 10 loads of laundry which included some pretty nasty gym clothes, a rug with cat throw up and towels with old cat urine. I shoved my nose deep into every load (especially gym clothes as with normal soap there is still an underlying gym odor left in the clean clothes that I was looking for) but with MLS every sniff I smelled was nothing but freshness. Freshness without chemicals! I'm so over the moon impressed with this product that I've told just about everyone I know about it and I think I'll buy a bunch to give away as gifts too."

~Billie Goldman, Verified Customer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  Best laundry product ever!

"I love this great product! No more laundry detergent to buy, ever! I was using another type of laundry ball before finding this product and was pretty pleased with it, but it needed to be replaced every year. This product lasts a lifetime and works perfect. Your clothes come out of the washer smelling like...well, nothing. No perfume or chemical or body odors. Just plain old wonderful clean. Such a simple idea for clean laundry. Just thrilled to have found this product. I work as a fork lift driver in the body weld section of an automotive plant and I have always had to keep my work clothes separate from my street clothes because of the scent of body weld that lingered in the fabric. No longer is that necessary. All of my clothes come out smelling clean. The funny thing is, these magnets attract the weld slag that gets into the fabric from the air in body weld and I just wipe them off after I do my work clothes. Work clothes can now be my street clothes without the worry of a lingering factory smell."

~Billie Goldman, Verified Customer
Disclaimer: The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.

Testimonial Disclaimer: Every testimonial on this website is from a real customers who used our products. No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement. Individual results may vary, and these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. although testimonials are from real people, they may not reflect the typical person’s experience, and are not intended to represent a policy that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Every person has unique experiencesapplies the information in a different way.

Copyright 2023 - DetergentTruth.co, A Subsidiary of Water Liberty - All Rights Reserved

Citations & References

[1] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/scented-laundry-products-release-carcinogens-study-finds/
[2] http://www.washington.edu/news/2008/07/23/toxic-chemicals-found-in-common-scented-laundry-products-air-fresheners/
[3] https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ncap/pages/26/attachments/original/1428423412/nonyl.pdf?1428423412
[4] https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/endocrine/index.cfm
[5] https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/skin/basic_info/index.htm
[6] https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/substances/formaldehyde
[7] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15588926/
[8] https://books.google.com/books/about/Living_Green.html?id=ApoeS8oEgc8C